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How to integrate a database with your charm

Charmed MySQL K8s can be integrated with any charmed application that supports its interfaces. This page provides some guidance and resources for charm developers to develop, integrate, and troubleshoot their charm so that it may connect with MySQL.


  • Check supported interfaces
  • Integrate your charm with MySQL
  • Troubleshooting & testing
  • FAQ

Check supported interfaces

First, we recommend that you check the supported interfaces of the current charm. You have the option to use modern (preferred) or legacy interfaces.

Most existing charms currently use ops-lib-pgsql interface (legacy).

See also: MySQL K8s legacy charm explanation

For new charms, Canonical recommends using data-platform-libs.

Integrate your charm with MySQL

See also:

Refer to mysql-test-app as a practical example of implementing data-platform-libs interfaces to integrate a charm with Charmed MySQL K8s.

Troubleshooting and testing


Does the requirer need to set anything in relation data?

It depends on the interface. Check the mysql_client interface requirements.

Is there a charm library available, or does my charm need to compile the mysql relation data on its own?

Yes, a library is available: data-platform-libs.

How do I obtain the database url/uri?

This feature is planned but currently missing.

Contact us if you have any questions, issues and/or ideas!

Last updated 3 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.