Joshua Powers
on 29 May 2018
The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to reach the server team, you can find us at the #ubuntu-server channel on Freenode. Alternatively, you can sign up and use the Ubuntu Server Team mailing list.
- Simplify error messages on invalid YAML blobs. Now include line and column numbers during parse failures in cloud-init and schema validation.
- Enable OpenStack network configuration (LP: #1749717)
- cloud-init logs now represent full package version instead of major.minor.
- tests: modify integration tests to use daily PPA versus local sbuild
- tests: rework integration test ssh connection retries to avoid blocking
- tests: collect artifacts from integration test runs
- Completed SRU to Ubuntu Bionic, Artful, and Xenial
- tests: added vmtest to x86_64 test run
Contact the Ubuntu Server team
- Chat on #ubuntu-server on Freenode
- Email the ubuntu-server mailing list
Bug Work and Triage
- 288 in the backlog
- 178 bugs reviewed since the last report
- Notes on daily bug triage
Ubuntu Server Packages
Below is a summary of uploads to the development and supported releases. Current status of the Debian to Ubuntu merges is tracked on the Merge-o-Matic page. For a full list of recent merges with change logs please see the Ubuntu Server report.
Proposed Uploads to the Supported Releases
Please consider testing the following by enabling proposed, checking packages for update regressions, and making sure to mark affected bugs verified as fixed.
Total: 5
chrony, bionic, 3.2-4ubuntu4.1, paelzer
haproxy, trusty, 1.4.24-2ubuntu0.5, james-page
openldap, xenial, 2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.3, ahasenack
sssd, xenial, 1.13.4-1ubuntu1.11, vtapia
tomcat8, bionic, 8.5.30-1ubuntu1.1, tjaalton
Uploads Released to the Supported Releases
Total: 16
curtin, bionic, 18.1-17-gae48e86f-0ubuntu1~18.04.1, raharper
curtin, xenial, 18.1-17-gae48e86f-0ubuntu1~16.04.1, raharper
curtin, artful, 18.1-17-gae48e86f-0ubuntu1~17.10.1, raharper
ebtables, trusty,, ddstreet
ebtables, xenial,, ddstreet
ebtables, artful,, ddstreet
ebtables, bionic,, ddstreet
spice, bionic, 0.14.0-1ubuntu2.1, leosilvab
spice, artful, 0.12.8-2.2ubuntu0.1, leosilvab
spice, trusty, 0.12.4-0nocelt2ubuntu1.6, leosilvab
spice-protocol, xenial, 0.12.10-1ubuntu0.1, leosilvab
ssh-import-id, bionic, 5.7-0ubuntu1.1, mwhudson
vlan, trusty, 1.9-3ubuntu10.6, ddstreet
vlan, xenial, 1.9-3.2ubuntu1.16.04.5, ddstreet
vlan, artful, 1.9-3.2ubuntu5.17.10.1, ddstreet
vlan, bionic, 1.9-3.2ubuntu6, ddstreet
Uploads to the Development Release
Total: 13
apache2, 2.4.33-3ubuntu2, ahasenack
byobu, 5.126-0ubuntu1, kirkland
chrony, 3.3-2ubuntu1, paelzer
cloud-init, 18.2-59-gcd1de5f4-0ubuntu1, chad.smith
dovecot, 1:2.2.35-2ubuntu1, paelzer
drbd-utils, 8.9.10-2ubuntu1, ddstreet
etckeeper, 1.18.7-1ubuntu1, xnox
libvirt, 4.0.0-1ubuntu11, mdeslaur
maas, 2.4.0-6981-g011e51b7a-0ubuntu1, andreserl
nbd, 1:3.17-2ubuntu1, cascardo
pollinate, 4.32-0ubuntu1, smoser
qemu, 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu10, mdeslaur
spice, 0.14.0-1ubuntu3, leosilvab